April 4th, 2017

While transforming my research paper into a presentation I had to think what would get the attention of the most people. I know that many people go fishing occasionally, with friends that don’t know much about the different species. Therefore, I chose to include pictures of the most common invasive species that they might encounter. Basic knowledge of these species will help stop the spread of AIS because they will not be released back into the waters to breed. My audience would be anyone who has fished no matter how frequently. Even if someone only fishes once in their life they can help eliminate AIS if they know what to look for. I also chose to include information about the recent EPA budget cuts to make people aware that this issue is very timely and if nothing is done the Great Lakes will be overrun in no time. I included a picture of a sea lamprey in the middle of my poster for shock value to get people’s attention. My poster may be simple but I believe that it effectively presents what my research was about.

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